
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “Raúl VINET” ,找到相关结果约255761条。
Nicotine-evoked cytosolic Ca2+ increase and cell depolarization in capillary endothelial cells of the bovine adrenal medulla
Biological Research , 2009, DOI: 10.4067/S0716-97602009000100012
Abstract: endothelial cells are directly involved in many functions of the cardiovascular system by regulating blood flow and blood pressure through ca2+ dependent exocitosis of vasoactive compounds. using the ca2+ indicator fluo-3 and the patch-clamp technique, we show that bovine adrenal medulla capillary endothelial cells (b amcecs) respond to acetylcholine (ach) with a cytosolic ca2+ increase and depolarization of the membrane potential (20.3±0.9 mv; n=23). the increase in cytosolic ca2+ induced by 10μm ach was mimicked by the same concentration of nicotine but not by muscarine and was blocked by 100 μm of hexamethonium. on the other hand, the increase in cytosolic ca2+ could be depressed by nifedipine (0.01 -100 μm) or withdrawal of extracellular ca2+. taken together, these results give evidence for functional nicotinic receptors (nachrs) in capillary endothelial cells of the adrenal medulla. it suggests that nachrs in b amcecs may be involved in the regulation of the adrenal gland's microcirculation by depolarizing the membrane potential, leading to the opening of voltage-activated ca2+ channels, influx of external ca2+ and liberation of vasoactive compounds.
Nicotine-evoked cytosolic Ca2+ increase and cell depolarization in capillary endothelial cells of the bovine adrenal medulla
Biological Research , 2009,
Abstract: Endothelial cells are directly involved in many functions of the cardiovascular system by regulating blood flow and blood pressure through Ca2+ dependent exocitosis of vasoactive compounds. Using the Ca2+ indicator Fluo-3 and the patch-clamp technique, we show that bovine adrenal medulla capillary endothelial cells (B AMCECs) respond to acetylcholine (ACh) with a cytosolic Ca2+ increase and depolarization of the membrane potential (20.3±0.9 mV; n=23). The increase in cytosolic Ca2+ induced by 10μM ACh was mimicked by the same concentration of nicotine but not by muscarine and was blocked by 100 μM of hexamethonium. On the other hand, the increase in cytosolic Ca2+ could be depressed by nifedipine (0.01 -100 μM) or withdrawal of extracellular Ca2+. Taken together, these results give evidence for functional nicotinic receptors (nAChRs) in capillary endothelial cells of the adrenal medulla. It suggests that nAChRs in B AMCECs may be involved in the regulation of the adrenal gland's microcirculation by depolarizing the membrane potential, leading to the opening of voltage-activated Ca2+ channels, influx of external Ca2+ and liberation of vasoactive compounds.
Isolated aorta model and its contribution to phytopharmacology
Boletín Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Plantas Medicinales y Aromáticas , 2012,
Abstract: Desde principios de los a os 50 hasta ahora la aorta torácica aislada ha sido un modelo tradicional y productivo para estudios farmacológicos. Este modelo experimental ha estado estrechamente relacionado con la investigación realizada por el Dr. Robert Furchgott. El descubrimiento de la función del endotelio en la vasodilatación inducida por la acetilcolina (ACh), representó un hito en las ciencias biológicas y también tuvo una consecuencia importante en la preparación de aorta aislada. En este trabajo se describe la técnica de aorta aislada y las mejoras realizadas en el laboratorio del Dr. Penna en la Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Chile, así como la contribución de investigadores mexicanos. Puesto que el endotelio juega un papel clave en la relajación vascular y su disfunción es uno de los primeros indicadores (biomarcadores) de enfermedad cardiovascular, el modelo de aorta aislada es una valiosa preparación.Teniendo en cuenta la gran cantidad de fitoquímicos presentes en muchas fuentes naturales como verduras, frutas y plantas medicinales, podemos esperar que este modelo continúe entregando importantes aportes al conocimiento en farmacología y fitofarmacología.
Centaurium cachanlahuen (Mol.) Robinson, a Chilean native plant with a vasodilatory effect
Raúl VINET,Magdalena CORTéS,Rocío áLVAREZ,Leda GUZMáN
Boletín Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Plantas Medicinales y Aromáticas , 2012,
Abstract: Centaurium cachanlahuen (Mol.) Robinson es una planta nativa chilena ampliamente utilizada en medicina tradicional para el tratamiento de varias enfermedades, que incluyen alteraciones cardiovasculares. Estudios llevados a cabo en ratas normales e hipertensas sugieren que el extracto de Centaurium cachanlahuen tiene efecto antihipertensivo. El propósito de este trabajo fue evaluar el efecto de extractos acuosos e hidroalcohólicos de Centaurium cachanlahuen sobre la reactividad vascular de aorta de rata precontraída con fenilefrina (0.1 M). Tanto el extracto acuoso (3 mg/mL) como el extracto hidroalcohólico (3 mg/mL) produjeron relajación de aorta de rata, la cual fue de mayor magnitud (P < 0.001) con el extracto hidroalcohólico respecto del extracto acuoso. El efecto observado tuvo un importante componente mediado por óxido nítrico (NO), tal como lo demuestra la inhibición de esta respuesta en presencia de N-nitro-L-arginina (L-NNA, 100 M), un inhibidor de la óxido nítrico sintasa (NOS). Se sugiere que las xantonas presente en la planta pueden jugar un papel clave en el efecto vasodilatador observado por los extractos de Centaurium cachanlahuen. Este estudio constituye una evidencia experimental que apoya el uso popular de Centaurium cachanlahuen como agente hipotensor.
A Review of the Actions of Endogenous and Exogenous Vasoactive Substances during the Estrous Cycle and Pregnancy in Rats
Bernardo Morales,Claudio Laurido,Julio Benites,Luisauris Jaimes,Marcela Knox,Raúl Vinet
- , 2019, DOI: 10.3390/ani9060288
Representation of Quantum Algebras and q-Special Functions
R. Floreanini,L. Vinet
Physics , 1991,
Abstract: The connection between q-analogs of special functions and representations of quantum algebras has been developed recently. It has led to advances in the theory of q-special functions that we here review.
On the relation between $U_q(\widehat{sl(2)})$ vertex operators and $q$-zonal functions
A. H. Bougourzi,L. Vinet
Mathematics , 1996,
Abstract: We show how the states constructed from the action of the modes of bosonized vertex operators, that intertwine $U_q(\widehat{sl(2)})$ modules, are related to $q$-zonal functions.
On a c-number quantum $τ$-function
A. Mironov,A. Morozov,L. Vinet
Physics , 1993, DOI: 10.1007/BF01017328
Abstract: We first review the properties of the conventional $\tau$-functions of the KP and Toda-lattice hierarchies. A straightforward generalization is then discussed. It corresponds to passing from differential to finite-difference equations; it does not involve however the concept of operator-valued $\tau$-function nor the one associated with non-Cartanian (level $k\ne1$) algebras. The present study could be useful to understand better $q$-free fields and their relation to ordinary free fields.
Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics with Reflections
S. Post,L. Vinet,A. Zhedanov
Physics , 2011, DOI: 10.1088/1751-8113/44/43/435301
Abstract: We consider a realization of supersymmetric quantum mechanics where supercharges are differential-difference operators with reflections. A supersymmetric system with an extended Scarf I potential is presented and analyzed. Its eigenfunctions are given in terms of little -1 Jacobi polynomials which obey an eigenvalue equation of Dunkl type and arise as a q-> -1 limit of the little q-Jacobi polynomials. Intertwining operators connecting the wave functions of extended Scarf I potentials with different parameters are presented.
Moore-Penrose Inverse and Semilinear Equations  [PDF]
Hugo Leiva, Raúl Manzanilla
Advances in Linear Algebra & Matrix Theory (ALAMT) , 2018, DOI: 10.4236/alamt.2018.81002
Abstract: In this paper, we study the existence of solutions for the semilinear equation \"\", where A is a \"\", \"\", \"\" and \"\" is a nonlinear continuous function. Assuming that the Moore-Penrose inverse AT(AAT)-1?exists (A denotes the transposed matrix of A) which is true whenever the determinant of the \"\" matrix AAT is different than zero, and the following condition on the nonlinear term \"\" satisfied \"\". We prove that the semilinear equation has solutions for all\"\". Moreover, these solutions can be found from the following fixed point relation \"\".

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